Episode Summary: In this insightful episode, Catherine Litvaitis, an experienced community manager from Mouldbreaker Interactive, Armor Games...
Category - Player: Engage
In the latest episode of our podcast, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Dang-Stefan La Hong from Playa Games and Conor McGinley from Bytro...
Episode Description: In this episode of Player: Engage, Greg talks with Mike O’Connor, CEO of Mr. Kite, about their groundbreaking project...
Balancing Trust and Safety in Gaming: Insights from the Experts In the latest episode of Player: Engage, we had the privilege of hosting a panel...
About This Episode View on Zencastr In our latest episode of the Player Engage Podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Sharon Fisher, Head of...
Overview In the latest episode of Player: Engage, Greg sits down with Dan Fox, a seasoned cybersecurity expert and the leader of the cybersecurity...
Episode Description: In this episode of Player: Engage, Greg interviews James Gallagher, the Head of Community Management at Keywords Studios. James...
Description In this episode, Greg Posner chats with Patrick Jesseman, founder of Alkemi Labz. They discuss the intricacies of indie game development...
Humaning Trolls: Navigating Conflict and Connection in Virtual Spaces with Dr. Ruth Diaz
About this Episode In this episode of Player: Engage, Greg is joined by Dr. Ruth Diaz, a psychologist and conflict resilience expert. Ruth leads The...
In this episode of the Player: Engage Podcast, host Greg Posner interviews Lewis Ward, Research Director for Gaming, AR, and VR at IDC. They dive...